[This is an edited version of a post originally entitled  Creating an Agile Contract] Writing an agile contract, without changing your procurement process, is like forcing a square peg into a round hole.  As an industry, we’ve tried to do so for more than decade, and we have to accept it doesn’t work.  We need… Read More

I see two main things going wrong when agile projects are done under traditional contracts. The first problem is that the parameters of the project – cost, scope and time – are set far too early. The result is often an infeasible project.  No contract, no matter how it’s worded, can fully protect you in that… Read More

Feature Thinning is the agile practice of simplifying the scope and implementation of specific features, on a case-by-case basis.  Often, given their growing knowledge of the technology and business domain, an agile team can suggest simpler alternatives to what the users originally asked for.  Often, these simpler alternatives still give all the key benefits, at… Read More