People Skills are a seriously neglected aspect of software development, and of corporate life in general. I found this the hard way, by entering the IT profession 20 years ago with virtually no people skills. Years later, after much learning and several false starts, I finally found myself enjoying and succeeding in the people side of work. This site shares what I learned. The material here is backed by social science research, and “road tested” in my own working life.

I’ll also occasionally write on two other topics which have proved popular: contracts for software projects, and “lite” Earned Value Management.

About the Author

I’m a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft.  Before that, I was Software Development Manager at OSPRI New Zealand. There, we were delighted and grateful to win both the Excellence in Software and Project Excellence awards at the NZ Institute of IT Professionals’ 2014 awards.

My professional interests include agile software development and Microsoft’s .NET platform. I’ve spoken at industry events in Australia, the US and NZ.

I used to blog about .NET programming, on my technical blog, but am no longer posting new material there.

The Name “AgileKiwi”

The word “kiwi” refers to me, a New Zealander, and to the kiwi, which is our national bird.


The opinions expressed on this site are my own.  They are not expressed on behalf of any other party.