Presentations from the Agile Roots conference are now online.

My full presentation is here, although sometime I hope to isolate the middle section (on workplace interpersonal skill) so it can be viewed as a stand-alone 15-min presentation. [Done] As it stands, the presentation is 30 minutes on these topics, with 5 mins of questions at the end.

Virtually all the presentations are up now. If you’re wondering where to start, I can recommend Kay Johansen’s excellent session on Agile Testing, which I learnt a lot from; and Jeff Patton’s two-part workshop on story mapping, because story mapping is such an important idea. (And Jeff made it so interesting, it didn’t seem like it was 3 hours long.) I thoroughly enjoyed the whole conference, and can recommend every session that I attended. Now that the videos are up, I’m looking forward to seeing the ones that I missed.