May 22, 2010 | John Rusk | 2 Comments Regular visitors may notice the site looks a bit different. I am transitioning to WordPress. Initially, all the old pages will be available both as WordPress posts and at their old URLs. I will eventually redirect requests for the old ones to the new URLs instead. By the way, this means commenting finally works properly again.
Well, I *still* think that Drupal would work better for you than WordPress, but I can’t argue with results – the site is looking good. Like the theme. Interesting to see no CAPTCHA on your comments – are you using a different anti-spam technique?
🙂 I’m still experimenting with anti-spam techniques. WP has several different things you can try. Am currently running with the out-of-the-box configuration. Might enable the more advanced thing, which I beleive is still Captcha-free