The Agile Roots conference is on, next month in Salt Lake City.  If you haven’t checked out the conference web site, hurry over there now!

If you like this blog (and presumably you do, since you’re reading it 😉  I think you’ll love the conference.  It’s a new and different kind of agile conference, focussing back on the core principles of the agile movement.  In one respect, it’s like a giant retrospective for the agile movement as a whole — but it’s also much more than that.  For details, see this page on the conference blog.  I strongly encourage you to attend if you possibly can.

By the way, I’m presenting a session with the deliberately strange title of “Better Agile Through Stealing”.  (Thanks to Bevan Arps for the idea for the title.)  The talk is consistent with the material on this site, but most of it is brand new material which I haven’t blogged about yet.

Hopefully, I’ll see you there!